At Total Wardrobe Care, we pride ourselves on our wide range of natural products that tackle clothes moth infestations.
We have made a point of creating a unique selection which offers different modes of action, by this we mean products which target the pest problem from different angles. We will explain a bit more about these later on but first we want to focus on our Chrysanthemum Moth Spray, a Killer Moth Spray that can be used to treat carpets and soft furnishings. It is the lynchpin of our clothes moth range and it kills adult moths, larvae and eggs on contact using only natural ingredients.
The active ingredient in our Chrysanthemum Spray is called pyrethrum. It is derived from the yellow centre of the Chrysanthemum flower, Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, which we source from small, sustainable Chrysanthemum farms based in Kenya.
Most moth sprays use synthetic alternatives to pyrethrum called pyrethrins and there are various types so if you check the label you will see chemical names such as Transflurin, Permethrin or Cypermethrin to name a few. These are usually formulated with a harmful synergist such as piperonyl butoxide or PBO for short.
Our pyrethrum is the real thing, extracted directly from the flower and we don’t use any artificial ingredients, synergists or organo-chlorine pesticides. We do include our signature blend of essential oils which have all been selected for the their moth repelling properties so the spray provides a heady sent of May Chang, Lavender, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Laurel, Rosemary, Clove & Thyme as the pyrethrum gets to work.
Pyrethrum disrupts the central nervous system of insects. Within seconds of direct contact with Pyrethrum, the insect is paralysed and quickly dies. The scent of our May Chang Essential Oil blend remains which smells heavenly but clothes moth hate it!
Our Chrysanthemum Killer Moth Spray should be the first port of call for a heavy infestation. If you have clothes moths visibly flying around and you have succumbed to the temptation to swat them, consider yourself the owner of a heavy infestation.
If you are still unsure, place some of our Moth Boxes underneath your furniture. These use the female clothes moth pheromone to attract and trap male clothes moths on a sticky board. A catch of 1 or 2 moths a week signifies a small infestation but if the glue board is covered in moths within a week or 2 then get ready to use the Chrysanthemum Spray.
Remember that while adult moths don’t cause damage, they mate to produce the next generation of fabric munching larvae. A mated female can lay anything up to 300 eggs, so the moth spray will knock down the bulk of adult moths, eggs and larvae to provide an important first strike.
- A treatment takes 8 hours and the room will need a bit of preparation first.
- Clear out wardrobes and drawers leaving them open. Check clothes for damage, discard anything that cannot be mended and clean the rest or get it dry cleaned.
- Thoroughly vacuum the room including wardrobes and drawers, inside, on top and underneath.
- Now it is time to spray. Though natural, the spray is potent so wear a mask. Light breaks pyrethrum down so to maintain its killing power, close the windows and close the curtains. Start spraying in the furthest corner of the room paying attention to the edge of carpets and rugs, underneath and inside your empty furniture. Your soft furnishings may be providing a cosy home for moths so spray the backs of curtains and underneath sofas.
- Once you have worked your way to the door, close it and leave for 4 hours letting the spray get the work. Light and air quickly degrade pyrethrum, so after 4 hours open the curtains and windows and leave the room to air for another 4 hours.
Learn how to get rid of clothes moths using our moth killer spray here.
Once you have reinstated your room, consider using Moth Proof Storage Bags to protect any natural fibres. We would especially recommend this for clothes that are stored out of season. Endeavour to check your clothes regularly for new damage paying attention to susceptible areas such as armpits, cuffs, the crotch area and pockets of garments made of natural fibres such as silk wool and cashmere.
Place moth boxes under your furniture and check them regularly as these will alert you to any new emergence and use essential oils to repel adult moths. Our range of scented products for drawers and wardrobes include our bespoke May Change and Vetivert fragrances, which are joyful to us but detested by moths.
For a year round solution consider our Moth Decoy. A unique product which prevents adult clothes moths from mating. It uses the clothes moth pheromone formulated in a natural wax powder which the male moths pick up on their bodies and distribute among themselves creating mass confusion and preventing males from locating females. If installed, this product gets to work before you even know new moths have emerged.
Whilst we have a stellar range of natural tools for clothes moth, tackling an infestation can be a daunting task, so if you are still wondering where to start, please do not hesitate to Contact Us, we are here to help!